Why should i take my baby to see a chiropractor?

If you’ve come across this page, I assume you’re interested to find out why parents often bring their baby in to see a chiropractor? While there are many benefits of a baby receiving chiropractic treatment, some of the common reasons …

If you’ve come across this page, I assume you’re interested to find out why parents often bring their baby in to see a chiropractor?

While there are many benefits of a baby receiving chiropractic treatment, some of the common reasons a baby will commence chiropractic care include:

  • birth trauma
  • torticolis
  • hip dysplasia
  • breastfeeding difficulties
  • irritability
  • dislikes tummy time
  • developmental delays

At Chiropractic-Care we see babies as young as only a few days old. The purpose of giving a young baby a comprehensive chiropractic assessment is to identify any spinal, pelvic or cranial tension which could be causing stress onto their nervous system.

As the nervous system controls and co-ordinates the many organs and organ systems within the body, stress on the nervous system can then affect a baby’s digestion system, immune function, respiratory function, and endocrine system.

If you have any concerns regarding your baby’s growth and development, or your baby appears to be regularly unhappy and irritable, a trip to the chiropractor may help.

A baby’s spine is not as developed as an adult spine is, therefore chiropractic adjustments on babies are performed differently. And the pressure used to deliver a chiropractic adjustment on a baby is equivalent to the amount of pressure used to check for the ripeness of a tomato.

To have your baby checked by our chiropractors call 9822 7335, or book online here.

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