Babies and children

Did you know that we have over 15 years experience in helping babies and children?

Now you may be wondering to yourself, ‘how can a chiropractor help my child?’

There are many reasons parents bring their babies and children in to see a chiropractor. Some of the main reasons include:

  • birth trauma
  • torticolis
  • hip dysplasia
  • plagiocephaly
  • breastfeeding difficulties
  • irritability or unsettledness
  • dislikes tummy time
  • favours a particular sleeping position
  • developmental delay
  • delayed crawling or walking
  • scoliosis
  • growing pains
  • poor posture

Our chiropractors treat kids as young as only a few days old. The purpose of giving a young baby or child a comprehensive chiropractic assessment, is to identify any spinal, pelvic or cranial tension which could be causing stress onto their nervous system.

Your child’s nervous system controls and co-ordinates every cell, tissue, organ, and system within their body. Your child’s nervous system can therefore affect their immune function, digestion, endocrine system, respiratory system, and hormones. Since the spine houses the spinal cord (one part of your nervous system), stress on your child’s spine can interfere with many aspects of their health.

Are Chiropractic adjustments safe for babies and children?

At Chiropractic Care we use very minimal pressure when we are adjusting your child, As a matter of fact, when treating a baby, we use no more pressure than you would use to check for the ripeness of a tomato. Our corrections are not uncomfortable, and it is common for young children to find them a little ticklish. Some babies even sleep through their entire visit.

If you have any concerns regarding your child’s health, growth, or development, or you are curious about the function of their nervous system, we are here to help! Feel free to give us a call on 9822 7335, or click here to book online.

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